Tuesday, December 8, 2015

201103477 Chun Young Ho/ Dokgumal / Thurs56

Imun-dong's paths are repackaged and through the years also has undergone many changes.지금도 예전과는 달리 확연히 높아진 건물들이 눈에 띄고는 한다. It is noticeable that the scenearies are with significantly higher building. 이문동엔 예전부터 도꼬마리라는 작은 풀이 유독 많이 자라는 길이 있었다.Imun-dong had long path with flower which grown much smaller pool of Dokgumal(toxic Dokgumal) from the past. 바로 독구말 길이다. It is the Dokgumal way. 독구말 길이라는 이름도 도꼬마리가 많이 자란다는 의미에서 붙여진 이름이다.Name of 'Dokgumal way' is also named in the name because Dokgumal grows a lot. 이문동의 과거를 기억하는 이름인 셈이다.Dokgumal is the name to remember in the past Imun-dong. 그래서일까, 독구말 길을 지날 때면 도꼬마리라는 풀을 찾아보고는 한다.There were lots of Dokgumal in the way but nowadays it seldom appears. Likewise, this town is also undergoing gentrification. 왠걸 길이 포장되어서 그런지 이제는 찾아보기 어려운 풀이 되어 버렸다.However, one 마을 공동체 도꼬마리는 이렇게 등장했다.has not seen before emerged in 2013.본 편집위원도 이 지역 공동체에 흥미를 느껴 방문했고, 도꼬마리의 이선화 상근자를 만날 수 있었다. I visited to feel an interest in the local community, were able to meet the Lee Sun Wha full time staff of Dokgumal.


교지. 독자들을 위해 도꼬마리에 대한 간단한 소개 부탁한다.I asked "Please give a simple introduction to the Dokgumal." She replid "The official name is the 'youth community, Dokgumal in Imun-dong'. On graduates and instructors is in an area that has long lived with the people, The University of Foreign Studies graduate and instructor is a center with old people lived in the area. They talk to each other in imun-Dong, and a real base was to make a place for rest. Now that it's been the last couple of years, It's been about two years now, activities initiated by student has been speed up and was asked to join more students. In addition, the current members are consist of graduates, Lecturer, local residents, students, is composed of a variety of people.lecturers, residents, students and variety of people. At first, we start focusing on the student business, but now the business is central to their village community projects. " Then I said "교지. 그렇다면 흔히 말하는 협동조합과 도꼬마리 간에는 어떤 차이가 있나.Tht  Is there a difference between so-called cooperatives and Dokgumal?" she answered "So-called cooperatives are legally enterprises and they will managed by fixed system. So Dokgumal is not aim to be cooperative except food sharing activity. Being cooperative will leads to be more focused on profitable activities. But Dokgumal is a loose commuity and chasing profit is against our motto. In this regard we are fundamentally different from cooperatives." 교지. 최근 도꼬마리는 어떤 활동에 집중하고 있는 편인가.I was curious about the activities of Dokgumal. So I claimed her to introduce certain activities which is the part that focuses recently. She said "For example there are anti-rock festival and queer film festival. Anti-rock festival aims successful performance by amateur musicians. Anyone can participate and invited. They usually perform acoustic guitar with singing. It is useless to divide perfomer and listener. We just enjoy the moment," in this moment she was a little bit high and continued to say "in queer film festival, we usually watch uncommon films. Do you know Stephen Chow? A famous film star from China makes movie with B-movie feelings. We also like movies which have special themes and topics such as LGBT, independent form, stories about poor and weak people." My fellow and I was so concentrated on her reply and she said "반찬 판매는 협동조합으로 준비 중인 사업이기도 하다.Business is also being prepared food sharing by the cooperative. 일주일에 화요일과 목요일 두 번 정기적으로 진행하고 있다.It helds twice a week and goes to regular Tuesday and Thursday. 처음에는 이문동의 아이들 반찬걱정을 하는 어머님들의 모임에서 시작되었다. We initially started with a group of mothers who wants to share children's dishes in Imun-dong. Soon we organized this actvity and sold it to acquaintances. This reuslted in very good response. 반찬을 사가는 지역 주민들도 다양한 편이다." In this part we can feel that she is so proud of her activities. Then I asked more 입간판 보고 들어와서 사가는 이들도 있고, 연세 드신 분들이나 아이 손 잡은 주부님들이 사시는 일도 많다."Are there any ​​linkages with other community and neighborhood organizations?" She answered "There are linkages with other community which serves with similar projects. Recently we made temporary market which sell books linked with community library managed by NGOs. In addition, in conjunction with the blue people of NGOs held a rally in front of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Station about Se Wol ho. Otherwise, with Kyung Hee University alumni democracy we proceed to the film festival called Diving bell. Nearby communities are similar but not totally same so we tend to link with them when our project is similar with theirs." Soon I was curious about the reaction of residents. "SWhat is the feedback of the activities by residents?" she said "Residents give us a feedback for program participating. They do not gives us active feedbacks. They just know the existence of our community and what they do.반응 자체는 활동에 대해서 흥미를 가지는 이들이나, 와서 불만을 제기하는 이들 등 다양하게 갈리는 편이다. The reaction itself is interesting with respect to these activities, or those to come, such as filing a complaint with the various pieces diverge." Here is the most important point. I asked her about the precious moment of her career in Dokgumal. She answered "There was a lecture held by us which conducted about two and a half hours, and watching everyone was listening was well worthwhile. 사실 초등학생들 앉혀놓으면 40분도 듣지 못할 것이라 생각했다(웃음). In fact, I was thinking of elementary school children will not hear when the topic is about labor and seated 40 minutes in cozy, warm room (laughs). 이런 점에서 생각했던 것 보다 세상이 바뀔 가능성이 크다는 생각을 하게 되었다.The possibility to change this world was bigger than I thought in this regard. 초등학생이 듣기 어려운 주제였을텐데 잘 들어준 점도 고맙고. This was a difficult subject for elementary school students to hear and I feel thankful to students. Also I felt worthiness of our organization for being a platfromto deliver these things." 교지. 인근에서 도꼬마리에 대해 생소하게 생각하는 경우가 있던데, 홍보는 어떻게 진행하고 있나. I could fully empathized with her answers. Then my fellow asked "How about PR and advertising of your group?" There are some people who strange to think about Dokgumal in the neighborhood.현재 홍보는 페이스북과 오프라인 공유공간을 통해 행하고 있다. Currently offline promotion is carried out through Facebook and shared space. We do not feel some needs to make additional newspapers, brochures and medias for us. Members who are interested in these promotional measures is insufficient." My fellow continued "교지. 활동자 모집은 어떻게 하고 있나How about recruitment?" and she replied "따로 활동자 모집을 하고 있지는 않다.We  w cadd We do not have offical recruitment system or procedure. 단지 관심이 있는 사람들이 와서 가입을 하게 되는 구조다.Members of us just came as who are interested in the structure, activity and projects of us. 가입조건도 따로 있는 것은 아니고 열린 구조로 운영하고 있다. It is also in a separate join condition is not operating as an open structure." 교지. 구성원 중 대학 재학생 비율은 얼마나 되나."How much members of the university students are in your group? 새로운 회원 유입은 많은편인가?Is there a influx of new members?" "Graduates and residents are main members of us. New members are increased in 4 or 5 times compared to starting period. Recently 40-50 people are joining us. There are also some college students but it is the period to enjoy their school life. So their participation is not same with residents. But they feel some interest in us by giving feedbacks by Facebook." "What about revenue, profits for your community?"먼저 회원들의 후원을 통해 얻는 수익이 있다. "Firstly there is money to get through sponsor of our members. 후원 회원들은 자신들이 후원하고 싶은 금액을 선택해서 후원하고 있고, 정회원 같은 경우 매달 만원씩 정기적으로 회비를 받는다.Sponsors select the amount they want to sponsor as if membership dues. WE regularly receive ten thousand won monthly . 그 외에는 되살림 물품 판매나 반찬사업을 통해서 수익을 낸다. Other than that produce revenue through food sharing business. One of the rentals revenue of Dokgumal 공간대여나 도서대여 같은 대여비용도 도꼬마리의 수익중 하나이다. is consist of space rental, or book."


 In other words, a common village community 'stands out' and left-wing enemy colors and seeing people wearing sunglasses. However, one of these we met was only a resident who live their lives on a daily basis directly to. Just as the residents who cares about what to do, live in a more entertaining and more.


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