Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Do Young Kim/Art of Persuasion(Week 2)/Thursday 1-3pm

       Writing to me was an art of persuasion. Writing helped me persuade many over the course of my life and I remember that my mother was the first one I persuaded with my writing. And this art of persuasion all started when I was just a little kid.

       When I was a little kid, I wanted many toys. Collecting toys made me feel rich and powerful compared to all the other children in my class and I wanted to just be the most toy rich kid in the school. But as a little kid, I could only get the toys that my mother bought me. This left me no choice but to beg my mom to get the toys I wanted because she was the only means to get what I wanted. But persuading my mother was a much greater challenge than I thought.  

       I tried to be cute, I begged on my knees, I gave her a massage, and I did all sorts of other things any child could humanly do to get just one toy that I wanted. However, my mother was stubborn and she would not budge unless she felt that I deserved what I was getting. Simply put, she was just not the type to spoil her children with toys and gifts. So one day, when I was just tired of begging and sorts, I just left her a letter on her bed for her to listing the reasons why I had to get the toy I wanted so badly. Strangely, the letter worked like magic and she surprised me the next day with the toy I wanted for so long.

       Later on, I asked her why she gave me that toy after just a single letter. She told me that she was proud that I wrote the letter neatly without any spelling errors and she felt happy that I was a much better writer than she thought I would be. To me, this memory defines what writing is to me, an art of persuasion. The pen is mightier than the sword indeed. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Do Young, this is Jeong Eun. Your writing really made me smile :) How cute is that boy trying to persuade his mom to get him a toy. And yes, that's what we used to do, giving some massage to our parents and promising to eat our beans, to get what we wanted. I could really relate to your story. A little toy means a world for children and they would do everything for it! One little thing is that if would've been ever better if you wrote more about the letter. I really want to know what reasons there could be a little boy can think of. Enjoyed your writing and see you in class!
