Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Yu Seo Young/Free writing/Thursday 1pm-3pm



Writing has been one of my favorite hobbies since when I was a little child. I remember bringing pencils and paper all the time. I do not really have special talents for writing, and I believe there are some people who are born to be writers. Nonetheless, I love to read and write. As born a great thinker, there are always so many things going on in my mind and I love to gather them and put them into words.

I am also a great reader, and reading has a lot of things to do with writing. I admire all these people who are able to show their minds and thoughts in their own ways or writings and it is very enjoyable to read them. I also love to write or read in foreign languages. It is really amazing that I can be able to express my thoughts in different languages and I love the feeling of expressing different part of myself. That is really cool. Even if I am not an awesome writer, sometimes I get praised for my writings, and that makes me quite happy.

I write all the time, mostly I write on my blog. I have been blogging since 2007, and I even celebrate my blog's birthday – the day I started to blog – I am a blog freak. People always find it amazing that I have been blogging for such a long time and they admire and praise my blog. There are quite many followers and I have made many friends on blog, and we have shared so many different ideas, thoughts and feelings. We are more emotionally attached than our 'real friends'.

Writing is very essential to my dream job so I want to be a good writer. I want to be a professional interpreter in the future and the ability to organize words and make good sentences are crucial for a translator. This is one of the main reasons that push me to work hard on my writing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Seo Young, this is MinGu.
    I also run a blog and knows how much it is hard to put contents on it. I was surprised that you've been running your blog for more than 8 years now! (I started around that time as well, but failed to upload contents consistently...)
    I hope to see your blog in the nearby future. Thanks!
