Thursday, October 8, 2015

MinGu Lee / Task 3.2 A person like me / Thursday 1-3pm

           During a stay in the café, it is common to find a person like him. This person, whom I wish to call Mark because it's the first name that came up to me, was wearing a sky-blue colored shirt just like mine. With an enthusiastic face, he was typing something down to his Macbook. I was unable to see what he was writing because my position was facing his front.

           Mark probably is the easiest kind of person to find in a café. However, he was somewhat different from others. It might have been his thick glasses that caught my attention, or even his silver Macbook that I always dreamt on having. Despite all these reasons, the atmosphere around him was eagerly telling me that he is a programmer just like me.

           He was saying something about "libraries". To some it might be heard as looking for a local library to borrow some books, but from that very moment, I knew that he was talking about adding new data to his program. The reason it was easy to empathize was because only a novice programmer like me would have a hard time applying new libraries to one's application.


           As time went by, Mark's face started to lose confidence. The fire inside his eyes were extinguished. He occasionally pulled his hair, sipped his coffee aggressively, and frequently adjusted his laptop's hinge. I felt like I was the only one who was talking to him in the café. While I was wrapping up my observation, Mark stood up and went to refill his coffee. I was sure that he needed more time to finish.

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